GTFS-R data on BART's public transport
Endpoint used by Ably's Realtime client libraries
Provide your API key
In: userJWT generated matching the Ably JWT requirements
| JWT bearer Header: AuthorizationAbly's MQTT endpoint
Provide your API key's public part as the user and the API key's secret part as the password. Only usable over a secure connection.
In: userJWT generated matching the Ably JWT requirements. Use the token as your user, and keep the password blank
| JWT bearer Header: AuthorizationAbly REST API
Array of currently active bus IDs
Accepts the following message:
Array containing all active vehicle IDs.
Additional items are allowed.
Id of the message
Additional properties are allowed.
Object of all vehicle data.
Accepts the following message:
ID of the vehicle
ID for the trip
ID for the route the trip is on
Number representing direction of trip
The initially scheduled start time of this trip.
The initially scheduled start date of this trip.
The relation between this trip and the static schedule.
Additional properties are allowed.
ID for the vehicle
Label assigned to the vehicle
The vehicle's license plate
Additional properties are allowed.
Vehicle's current latitude
Vehicle's current longitude
Vehicle's current bearing
Vehicle's current speed
Additional properties are allowed.
The stop sequence index of the current stop. The meaning of current_stop_sequence (i.e., the stop that it refers to) is determined by current_status. If current_status is missing IN_TRANSIT_TO is assumed.
Identifies the current stop. The value must be the same as in stops.txt in the corresponding GTFS feed.
Moment at which the vehicle's position was measured. In POSIX time (i.e., number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
Additional properties are allowed.
Whether this entity is to be deleted.
Additional items are allowed.
Id of the message
Additional properties are allowed.
Object of vehicle details for vehicleId
Id of the vehicle.
Accepts the following message:
ID of the vehicle
ID for the trip
ID for the route the trip is on
Number representing direction of trip
The initially scheduled start time of this trip.
The initially scheduled start date of this trip.
The relation between this trip and the static schedule.
Additional properties are allowed.
ID for the vehicle
Label assigned to the vehicle
The vehicle's license plate
Additional properties are allowed.
Vehicle's current latitude
Vehicle's current longitude
Vehicle's current bearing
Vehicle's current speed
Additional properties are allowed.
The stop sequence index of the current stop. The meaning of current_stop_sequence (i.e., the stop that it refers to) is determined by current_status. If current_status is missing IN_TRANSIT_TO is assumed.
Identifies the current stop. The value must be the same as in stops.txt in the corresponding GTFS feed.
Moment at which the vehicle's position was measured. In POSIX time (i.e., number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
Additional properties are allowed.
Whether this entity is to be deleted.
Additional properties are allowed.
Array of currently active trip update IDs
Accepts the following message:
Array containing all active trip update IDs.
Additional items are allowed.
Id of the message
Additional properties are allowed.
Object of all trip update data.
Accepts the following message:
ID of the vehicle
The Trip that this message applies to.
ID for the trip
ID for the route the trip is on
Number representing direction of trip
The initially scheduled start time of this trip.
The initially scheduled start date of this trip.
The relation between this trip and the static schedule.
Additional properties are allowed.
Additional information on the vehicle that is serving this trip.
ID for the vehicle
Label assigned to the vehicle
The vehicle's license plate
Additional properties are allowed.
Must be the same as in stop_times.txt in the corresponding GTFS feed.
Must be the same as in stops.txt in the corresponding GTFS feed. Either stop_sequence or stop_id must be provided within a StopTimeUpdate - both fields cannot be empty.
If schedule_relationship is empty or SCHEDULED, either arrival or departure must be provided within a StopTimeUpdate - both fields cannot be empty. arrival and departure may both be empty when schedule_relationship is SKIPPED. If schedule_relationship is NO_DATA, arrival and departure must be empty.
Delay (in seconds) can be positive (meaning that the vehicle is late) or negative (meaning that the vehicle is ahead of schedule). Delay of 0 means that the vehicle is exactly on time. Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
Event as absolute time. In POSIX time (i.e., number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
If uncertainty is omitted, it is interpreted as unknown. To specify a completely certain prediction, set its uncertainty to 0.
Additional properties are allowed.
If schedule_relationship is empty or SCHEDULED, either arrival or departure must be provided within a StopTimeUpdate - both fields cannot be empty. arrival and departure may both be empty when schedule_relationship is SKIPPED. If schedule_relationship is NO_DATA, arrival and departure must be empty.
Delay (in seconds) can be positive (meaning that the vehicle is late) or negative (meaning that the vehicle is ahead of schedule). Delay of 0 means that the vehicle is exactly on time. Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
Event as absolute time. In POSIX time (i.e., number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
If uncertainty is omitted, it is interpreted as unknown. To specify a completely certain prediction, set its uncertainty to 0.
Additional properties are allowed.
The relation between this trip and the static schedule.
Additional properties are allowed.
Moment at which the vehicle's real-time progress was measured. In POSIX time (i.e., the number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
The current schedule deviation for the trip.
Additional properties are allowed.
Whether this entity is to be deleted.
Additional items are allowed.
Id of the message
Additional properties are allowed.
Object of trip update details for a given tripUpdateId
Id of the trip update.
Accepts the following message:
ID of the vehicle
The Trip that this message applies to.
ID for the trip
ID for the route the trip is on
Number representing direction of trip
The initially scheduled start time of this trip.
The initially scheduled start date of this trip.
The relation between this trip and the static schedule.
Additional properties are allowed.
Additional information on the vehicle that is serving this trip.
ID for the vehicle
Label assigned to the vehicle
The vehicle's license plate
Additional properties are allowed.
Must be the same as in stop_times.txt in the corresponding GTFS feed.
Must be the same as in stops.txt in the corresponding GTFS feed. Either stop_sequence or stop_id must be provided within a StopTimeUpdate - both fields cannot be empty.
If schedule_relationship is empty or SCHEDULED, either arrival or departure must be provided within a StopTimeUpdate - both fields cannot be empty. arrival and departure may both be empty when schedule_relationship is SKIPPED. If schedule_relationship is NO_DATA, arrival and departure must be empty.
Delay (in seconds) can be positive (meaning that the vehicle is late) or negative (meaning that the vehicle is ahead of schedule). Delay of 0 means that the vehicle is exactly on time. Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
Event as absolute time. In POSIX time (i.e., number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
If uncertainty is omitted, it is interpreted as unknown. To specify a completely certain prediction, set its uncertainty to 0.
Additional properties are allowed.
If schedule_relationship is empty or SCHEDULED, either arrival or departure must be provided within a StopTimeUpdate - both fields cannot be empty. arrival and departure may both be empty when schedule_relationship is SKIPPED. If schedule_relationship is NO_DATA, arrival and departure must be empty.
Delay (in seconds) can be positive (meaning that the vehicle is late) or negative (meaning that the vehicle is ahead of schedule). Delay of 0 means that the vehicle is exactly on time. Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
Event as absolute time. In POSIX time (i.e., number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Either delay or time must be provided within a StopTimeEvent - both fields cannot be empty.
If uncertainty is omitted, it is interpreted as unknown. To specify a completely certain prediction, set its uncertainty to 0.
Additional properties are allowed.
The relation between this trip and the static schedule.
Additional properties are allowed.
Moment at which the vehicle's real-time progress was measured. In POSIX time (i.e., the number of seconds since January 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
The current schedule deviation for the trip.
Additional properties are allowed.
Whether this entity is to be deleted.
Additional properties are allowed.
Array of currently active alert IDs
Accepts the following message:
Array containing all active alert IDs.
Additional items are allowed.
Id of the message
Additional properties are allowed.
Object of all alert data.
Accepts the following message:
ID of the vehicle
Additional items are allowed.
Cause of alert.
Cause of alert.
The URL which provides additional information about the alert.
Header for the alert. This plain-text string will be highlighted, for example in boldface.
Description for the alert.
Additional properties are allowed.
Whether this entity is to be deleted.
Additional items are allowed.
Id of the message
Additional properties are allowed.
Object of alert details for alertId
Id of the alert.
Accepts the following message:
ID of the vehicle
Additional items are allowed.
Cause of alert.
Cause of alert.
The URL which provides additional information about the alert.
Header for the alert. This plain-text string will be highlighted, for example in boldface.
Description for the alert.
Additional properties are allowed.
Whether this entity is to be deleted.
Additional properties are allowed.